I surivved the weekend at work. It was a very challenging weekend since I had a nurse on Saturday and a nurse on Sunday that got thrown into doing something that they weren't real familiar with doing. What this meant was that in addition to being in charge and having my own patient, I was pretty much doing their job as well. I was dog-butt tired when I got home Saturday night and it took everything in me not to fall asleep in the bathtub when I got home. My tiredness was an incredible bummer since my hubby left to go out of town this morning and that meant no pre-travel nookie for me.
In addition to the chaotic work weekend, I let them give me a tetnus shot when I went on Thurday for my yearly grope and probe. It has obviously been quite a while since I've had one because this sucker hurts like bloody hell! There's a big knot on my arm this hurts and its red and feels hot to the touch. For some reason I thought that getting a tetnus was going to be somewhat in the ballpark of what its like to get a flu shot. You know, you're arm is a little sore the next day or two like you've been pumping some serious iron or doing some wicked push ups. This shot makes the flu shot look like being tickled by a feather duster (get your minds out of the gutter, Ramone and Brittany. The swelling is going down some now... finally and its not quite as painful, but the experience did warrant a good whining.
So, I've got a fun-filled week ahead. It kicks off with having my breast smashed and squeezed. As the PA reminded me, I'm of the age to have that done. I get to pick up a relative of my husband's that I've never met at the airport on Tuesday. This should be fun since neither of us have ever laid eyes on each other. Wednesday its back to work and then Thursday I get to have an ultrasound for some pain I have upon ovulation. My PA also made sure that she pointed out that I was perimenopausal now. Lovely. I'm feeling younger by the minute. Then, to top it all off, next week I get to have a bone density scan because, like the PA said, I'm of that age to have that done. Don't you know that all this is making me feel like young, hot goddess....... NOT!
Anyhow, that's my weekend.