Thursday, February 21, 2008

affirmations and the schedule

I am off to work on the dreaded schedule today. Earlier in the week I had realized that it was due pretty damn soon so I best get to working on it.
So, off I go when I would much rather be knitting, but then again, who wouldn't?
Part of my plan I was supposed to come up with on my 30 day raw food rast was to focus on an affirmation (preferably daily).
I dug my Abrahams Hicks cards out and random selected one. So, this is my affirmation for today: I will never cease being or desiring. New desires are constantly born within. Source energy will never stop answering my desires, and therefore my exapnsion is eternal. I may begin to relax in this moment if there is something that I desire that has not yet come to fruition.
I hope I didn't violate any copyright laws or anything by sharing that.

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